Stream of Activities

It’s a great pleasure to offer our may warm regards on behalf of GEIST International Foundation(Nepal, Country Office). Acknowledging the beauty of shared growth and abundant possibilities of extensive networking among the individuals and institutions from different spheres of the world and subjects, GEIST was founded in Dhaka, Bangladesh with its international wings in Nepal, India, Turkey and Ukraine embracing the expertise of the exchange program alumni. Nepal is proud to be an integral part of such a divine organization ever since its inception. It is our privilege to shoulder the causes of GEIST embosoming the individuals working in and around to spearhead some innovative programs to promote the sustainable educational transformation in the global platforms.

GEIST (Nepal) is responsible for facilitating the overall GEIST activities in Nepal. It is spread to about 35 schools across the country so far. Most of these institutions are led by the State Alumni through different exchange programs. Besides, it is has also shown its presence in Nepalese community through some other organizations that are actively working on youth empowerment, waste-management, disability rights, women rights and others. Through the past experiences of the representatives from Nepal for the GEIST conferences, we plan to reach out to many others in varied sectors of human development in the days to come.

If the record is anything to go by, Nepal is lucky to represent in about 50 different exchange programs in the States so far and has above 4000 alumni currently serving in different fields cascading their learning among others. GEIST(Nepal) has tried to encompass the members from different walks and talks of life so as to benefit the enthusiasts from varied professions through some seminars, conferences or workshops.

Despite some social, personal, professional, political and administrative constraints in maintaining constant collaborations, we are committed to collaborate heightening the GEIST-glory in brewing the global citizenship among the custodians of the mother Earth.


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Jenny Wilson

Director of Content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit any amet consectetur. Ut as tellus that suspendise nulla aliquam. Risus rutrum as tellus eget ultrices pretium nisi amet facilisis. Augue vulputate egestas cursus.

David Liyan

Director of Content

Lorem ipsum dolor sit any amet consectetur. Ut as tellus that suspendise nulla aliquam. Risus rutrum as tellus eget ultrices pretium nisi amet facilisis. Augue vulputate egestas cursus.

Robert Fox

Director of Content